
Internet offensiva

From the idea to the final product. We can help you on every step of your web software development.

We've got strong experience in webdevelopment. From the small, responsive websites, through manageable systems (CMS-es and so on) to the complex and complicated dedicated IT systems. We can do almost everything what can run in Internet browsers. If you're not sure if something can work or not - contact us - we love challenges.

We've got also practical knowledge of responsive design, white-SEO optimizations, accessibility and ergonomy. If you're not computer geek, don't worry. We can describe you everything in simple, non-IT words.

In the shortest way, we can offer:

We're working mainly on Zend Framework 2 and Doctrine ORM. During development we're using GIT and PHPUnit for unit testing. We've got also experience in open-source CMS-es like Wordpress, Joomla and Typo3.

Other offensiva's

We do additional two offensiva's mainly in Poland. One of them is full-service advertising and the second one is commercial photography. If you're not afraid of cultural and geographical gap and you'd like to begin international cooperation in this areas also, don't hesitate to contact us and describe your needs. We'll do our best to deliver solutions with the best quality.

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